
Charleston Real Estate

29 122016

What are you doing this Friday at 5:00 p.m.? Come sit on the front porch of Daniel Island’s new “Refuel,” sip a cool beverage, and sample USDA prime steaks. Yeah, you can put gas in your car, too.

Refuel is clearly not just a gas station. It's a neighborhood market that happens to have some shiny new gasoline bays out back. Oh, sure, you can replenish your car's tank (and reap the rewards of the Fuel Savers program in the meantime), put air in your tires, and give your vehicle a bath, just as

23 122016

Amen to this list of Charleston’s beautiful deliciousness. Especially a pile of number fours chased with a cold number ten.

  Related Links 11 Reasons Why Charleston Tastes as Good as It Looks weblink